Sunday, October 26, 2008

100 reasons why it's great to be a woman

We can get laid anytime we want
We never have to pay when we go out on dates
We never have to buy our own drinks at the bar
Men hold the door open for us
We pout better (those puppy dog eyes always work!)
We're cuter
We lie better
We're better manipulators
We get out of speeding tickets by crying
We get out of speeding tickets by showing a little cleavage or leg
We can sleep our way to the top of the class
We can marry rich and then not have to work
Men take us on all-expenses-paid trips - all we have to do is sleep with them
Men light our cigarettes for us
We always end up sleeping in the bed when we fight with our other halves - you guys get the couch
We always have food in the fridge
We don't worry about losing our hair
We always get to choose the movie
We don't have to mow the lawn
We don't have to take out the garbage
we don't have to paint the house or walls
PMS: yet another excuse to bitch at men
We don't have stubble on our chin
The mention of Wayne Bobbit doesn't make us instantly cross our legs
We can con our way out of anything - not just dig ourselves deeper into a hole
Men unlock our side of the car first - a real bonus when its cold
PMS is a legal defense for murder
Men are like tiles: lay 'em right the first time and ya can walk all over 'em forever
We don't have to constantly adjust our genitals
We can masturbate more in a day than men
2 words: multi orgasmic
Sweat is sexy on us
We never run out of excuses
You guys may get to think about sex 200 times a day, but we could be having it that often
Doggie style: that way we get to watch the game too
We get expensive gifts that we never have to give back
We get chocolates and flowers all the time because men mess up so often
We can give "the look" that will make any man want to cower in the corner
Women are cleaner
Women have more than one erogenous zone (in case you guys didn't know)
We're better at arguing
We don't always have to think with our genitals
We're better parents
We never have to sit home alone on a weekend night
There's never a shortage of ready, willing and able men
We're flexible
When women get annoyed, we don't destroy property or hurt people - we just take it out on the world in general because we can
Menopause: thank God we're not capable of having children after we're 50
Menstruation: just another excuse to use so we can say "no" to sex
Men in uniform
There is no penis-envy
We can just roll over and go to sleep after we masturbate because there's no messy clean-up
It generally takes us less to get drunk
We have a higher tolerance to pain
We often get to cut in line
Most women actually look good in short shorts - men don't
Better tips
Women who don't wear underwear are considered sexy and wild - when men do it, it's rather disgusting
We have mastered civilized eating - we don't embarrass our friends or make loud bodily noises in public
Women can go a day without showering or shaving and not look or smell disgusting - thank God for perfume!
We can connive men into doing our homework, writing our papers or carrying our books anytime we want
We don't have excessive amounts of body hair
We don't spend 45 minutes on the toilet
Men will pay us for sex
Smoking the seeds in marijuana doesn't make us sterile
We can throw a punch at a man and not get hit in return
Men may fantasize about having sex with more than one woman at a time, but we can have sex with an entire football team at once if we want
Men walk on the side closest to the road so that if a car hits us, he gets hurt not us
Women sweat less
Women smell better
When women make their boyfriends mad, we don't have to waste money on flowers or cards - sex fixes all
Men are more often serial killers, thieves, rapists and cheats
Women don't get the humor in The Three Stooges
We pee sitting down so its easier to pass out on the toilet when you're drunk
We get to shop at Victoria's Secret
We don't get embarrassed when buying tampons
We're better gossips
We have better fashion sense
We're better shoppers
Women never have to see combat
We don't have to make fools out of ourselves to impress a man
Our friends don't pick on us if we aren't sleeping with anyone
Men don't know what our 'girl talk' is all about (and I'm not gonna tell you)
We're all sitting on a gold mine - we know it and use it to our extreme advantage
We don't have to drive when on a date
An ugly woman can use makeup and get a new hairdo to become presentable
Women can use the old "that mark on my neck is from a curling iron burn" line
Women know how fake it
Women look better naked
We know that rhythm doesn't only pertain to dancing
When women are short, we're petite; when men are short, they're just short
Women do less time for violent crime
Women don't have to worry about not being able to get it up
Women's conversations generally consist of more than just "uh huh, yep, ok then, bye"
Women don't need an excuse to be in a bad mood
The remote control is not an extension of ourselves
Women are sexier
We can get laid anytime, anywhere, any way we want it!

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Recommend Message 2 of 15 in Discussion

From: ll222222223 Sent: 7/11/2006 5:21 PM
wat r u trying to imply here about women..i think this is coming from a man's perspective..women are not like that..at least not algerian women..that really hurts..ur showing the women as a weak force...maybe u didnt write it..who knows..

Recommend Message 3 of 15 in Discussion

From: °º‡¤˙ИЇqΛλβϊ˙¤‡º° Sent: 7/17/2006 9:18 AM
Assalaamu alaykum all muslimeen

subhanAllah this has really shocked me alhamdulilah i'm a revert to Islaam and i'm married to an algerian and ive been to algeria
and mashaAllah from what i saw algerian women hold respect and dignity high mashaAllah

this is soooo shockiing and especially as this is a place where muslim's can chill out and learn

and this message is quite rude and offending

Recommend Message 4 of 15 in Discussion

From: houari_ Sent: 7/17/2006 5:00 PM
Thank you for your message and your concern. I think that message was just for fun, and it doesnt reflect anything about Muslim women, There's also a message about men. They were both sent by someone known for funny jokes, I guess he is taking his vacation somewhere in Wahran at this moment, and I think the original message was copied from a western website about women in Western Civilization.
Please tell us what did you like in Algeria mostly?

Recommend Message 5 of 15 in Discussion

From: ll222222223 Sent: 7/18/2006 5:24 PM
what i like abuot algeria mostyl was ll'ambience..family, your friends, the
fact that every one is muslim, you actually feel lilke u r in the right
place...the beaches,, just everything..of course i can mention many
negatives but u dont want me to go there..hehe..yea i knoww that it was a
joke..but i just got fed upp!!

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Recommend Message 6 of 15 in Discussion

From: °º‡¤˙ИЇqΛλβϊ˙¤‡º° Sent: 7/19/2006 8:16 AM
Walykumusalaam wrwb

jazakAllah for your reply brother i know what you mean about in fun but really i have to say i am a muslim woman and a western woman(as i'm a revert )
and i dont really think this is the kind of thing we as muslims should find amuzing i mean most of the stuff in that message although for fun are haraam and 2 things mentioned are of the major sins ,,,
i have been a member now for sometime now in here and i mainly read the sisters corner ,,,lol maybe i shouldnt of ventured out...

Oh and yes mashaAllah i cant think of anything i didnt like about algeria subhanAllah its such a beautiful country (i stayed mainly in rouiba and harrach(& went almost everyday to Le Blanche Algeriee(hope i spelt that right) but did venture to the bled twice and to oran,,,but i loved everything the buildings are so beautiful and the clothes mashaAllah are lovely
and the people mashaAllah all giving salaam and all ready to help @i remember once me and my hubby were in the souk with our 5 children 3 walking and 2 in the double buggy mashaAllah my littlest girls a'isha was about 12months and khadija was about 2 and half and they were affected by the weather anyway it was quite buzy and we were watching out for the other kids when a brother stopped us and said to my husband can i wipe their noses ,,subhanAllah the people are so good loving and kind (may Allah swt make it easy for them and may He reward them,,,ameen)

i hope inshaAllah you'll accept my comments coming from a muslimah's point of view as this kind of thing is widespread in western society and i feel its our duty to protect our youngsters but also protect those in weak Imaan(May Allah swt forgive us all and Guide us to the siratul mustaqeem,,,and divert our intention to His Pleasure,,,ameen

your sis


Recommend Message 7 of 15 in Discussion

From: accurist2 Sent: 7/25/2006 4:11 AM
salam freinds of el aqsa ( i mean all of you here) hope that life is treating u well if not just ignore her she is not wroth the trouble.

and old man told me once while we talking about leaving my homeland " son i give an advise, there is no better experience in life than traveling, it teatches you what you will never be able to learn in the best university in the world; but coming backhome between your loved one is a must there is nothing aquivalent to it in matter of worthliving. hence when you decide to return backhome, do not return too early and do not leave it to late, comback on time and you will be just fine" than i asked him how do i know when it is time to comback ? he replyed by saying "you know it when the time comes deep down in your heart you ll know it is time, but you ll keep postponing it till its to late". Know i know what he ment.

houari my friend of reallife before this virtual one i hope this may answer your question on what i liked in algeria. i liked every thing i hated.and i hate every thing i liked

to be contnued

salam all

till next time stay safe and stay united



From: "houari_"
Reply-To: "HOUARI,new york"
To: "HOUARI,new york"
Subject: Re: 100 reasons why it's great to be a woman
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 17:43:46 -0700
>New Message on HOUARI,new york
>From: houari_
>Message 4 in Discussion
>salam, Thank you for your message and your concern. I think that message was just for fun, and it doesnt reflect anything about Muslim women, There's also a message about men. They were both sent by someone known for funny jokes, I guess he is taking his vacation somewhere in Wahran at this moment, and I think the original message was copied from a western website about women in Western Civilization. Please tell us what did you like in Algeria mostly?
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Recommend Message 8 of 15 in Discussion

From: inugal0 Sent: 7/31/2006 3:35 PM
hi mina-san!
i personally think that the message was fun to read! i dont see how some chics were offended by that!! geez!
i read the other message, the one concerning the male species! and guess wat chics! it was hilarious!
no chic or dude should b offended by the messages. if so, i guess that they should get a grip! honestly!!!

Recommend Message 9 of 15 in Discussion

From: °º‡¤˙ИЇqΛλβϊ˙¤‡º° Sent: 7/31/2006 5:58 PM
Assalaamu alaykum all muslimeen

I Honestly have to say that to find that post as fun is "getting a Grip "Alhamdulilah i'm not in need of it,

Also we have to think positivly about this kind of thing i'm sure none of us would like our daughters or younger sisters to look up to this post ,,,and believe me it happens subhanAllah everyone is allowed their own opinions ofcourse but i dont think finding this fun is having a "Grip"

walykumusalaam wrwb all muslimeen

Recommend Message 10 of 15 in Discussion

From: ll222222223 Sent: 7/31/2006 9:09 PM
sry i gguess i wasnt in the best moood..when things hittu one day especially
harrasment or anything i tend 2 get mad..sryy again.yesit was stupid ..allof
u can make fun but w.e

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Recommend Message 12 of 15 in Discussion

From: ll222222223 Sent: 8/3/2006 12:24 PM
thnks so ur kinda agreeing with me?

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0 recommendations Message 14 of 15 in Discussion

Sent: 8/15/2006 3:26 PM
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Recommend Message 15 of 15 in Discussion

From: Aminah Sent: 8/15/2006 3:31 PM
Salam alikoum jamee'aan,

Have you noticed that original post got a response after 5 years exactly? Yes ? Ok, let me to tell you, I know algeria8 since the creation of this community, he's respectful married man, he loves his wife and children, as a pious and funny guy he's exceptional. I'm sure, his intention was not in to offend anyone of us.Yes, I think the original message was about women in Western Civilization.

Mow read that excellent poem about the Muslim Woman:

Do you see someone limited or someone free

All some people can do is just look and stare

Simply because they can't see my hair

Others think I am controlled and uneducated

They think that I am limited and un-liberated

They are so thankful that they are not me

Because they would like to remain 'free'

Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used

Describing women who are cheated on and abused

They think that I do not have opinions or voice

They think that being hooded isn't my choice

They think that the hood makes me look caged

That my husband or dad are totally outraged

All they can do is look at me in fear

And in my eye there is a tear

Not because I have been stared at or made fun of

But because people are ignoring the one up above

On the Day of Judgment they will be the fools

Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules

Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie

But at least I am filled with more inner beauty

See I have declined from being a guy's toy

Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy

Real men are able to appreciate my mind

And aren't busy looking at my behind

Hooded girls are the ones really helping the muslim cause

The role that we play definitely deserves applause

I will be recognized because I am smart and bright

And because some people are inspired by my sight

The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility

In the back of their mind they wish they were me

We have the strength to do what we think is right

Even if it means putting up a life long fight

You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt

We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt

So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated

We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated

We are the ones that are free and pure

We're free of STD's that have no cure

So when people ask you how you feel about the hood

Just sum it up by saying 'baby its all good'

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