Sunday, October 26, 2008

Innovation - beda'a - بدعة

From: basyb (Original Message) Sent: 3/8/2005 9:44 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Check this out !
Astagfirullah, what is happening, this is just nonsense .
In my opinion this is an innovation (beda'a) and a very dangerous one indeed, as we have never ever heard about women leading mixed prayers, if a woman wants to lead a Jummah prayer then I think there can be special masjids for women only where the imam can be a woman. but for women to lead men in prayers, I think that never happened.

Event Description:
On Friday, March 18, 2005, Dr. Amina Wadud, professor of Islamic studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, will be the first woman to lead a public, mixed-gender Friday prayer.


First Previous 2-17 of 22 Next Last

Recommend Message 2 of 22 in Discussion

From: CriminalLalmaselfartas Sent: 3/12/2005 12:36 PM
Salam alikom,

Basyb if it has not happened at the time of the prophet, "as the prophet could never forget to mention it for the next generation" then this is beda3 otherwise then it is allowed.
As it is known in Islam, god created Adam and then created eve from his rib to share life with him because he was getting annoyed alone. god sent our ancestors on earth to worship him, women who are muslims knows that very well, those who does not believe or sold their soul to the evil would deny it. the task of men and women on earth are divin, alterations would lead to the hell.

salam alikom

Recommend Message 3 of 22 in Discussion

From: عربي_________للأبد Sent: 3/13/2005 9:11 AM
رفض الشرع لإمامة المرأة في الصلاة."لا تؤم المرأة الرجال ولا
الصبيان، إنما تكون إمامة للنساء فقط، وتقف وسطهن".
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏قال{‏أخروهن من حيث أخرهن الله‏}.هذا هو
الإرهاب والعنف ضد الشريعة الإسلامية.لا صلاة لرجل وراء امرأة.
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل

0 recommendations Message 5 of 22 in Discussion

Sent: 3/13/2005 2:21 PM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

Recommend Message 6 of 22 in Discussion

From: basyb Sent: 3/13/2005 2:25 PM
As-Salamu `alaykoum:

Dear friend Lalmas I maintain Prohibiting women from leading the prayers is an innovation derived from the effect of male dominated cultures on Islam. Needless to say, the Quran does not advocate such sexist preferential treatment.

"why do women have to pray behind men in Islam?"

Because the Prophet said so, upon him blessings and peace:

1. "Lo! Let absolutely no woman lead a man in prayer!"


"Ala la ta'ummanna imra'atun rajulan."

Ibn Majah, Abu Ya`la, `Abd ibn Humayd in his Musnad, Abu Nu`aym in the Hilya with different chains from Jabir, and al-Tabarani in al-Awsat from Abu Sa`id al-Khudri.

2. "No nation shall succeed that is led by a woman." Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Bakrah, Allah be well-pleased with him.

This is even more binding in Salat, since the imamate of Salat requires a far more slavish imitation and following than the greater imamate. Further, the imamate of prayer is a delegatory function of the latter.

3. "The best of the men's prayer-rows is the first and the worst the last, while the best of the women's prayer-rows is the last and the worst is the first." Muslim, the Sunan, and Ahmad from Abu Hurayra, Jabir, and Abu Sa`id al-Khudri, Allah be well-pleased with them.

I.e. the contrary of imamate, which means "leading from the front."

4. `Ali said, Allah be well-pleased with him:

"A woman does not lead as imam." Mudawwana, I`la' al-Sunan.

Imam al-Bayhaqi mentioned all the above but the last in his Sunan and said: "This is also the School of the Seven Jurists of Madina among the Tabi`in then those that followed them."

This is also the position of the Four Schools. More, Ibn Hazm in Maratib al-Ijma` and Ibn Qattan al-Fasi in al-Iqna` fi Masa'il al-Ijma` listed it among the rulings that muster unanimous consensus :

"They concur one and all that a woman cannot lead men in prayer with their knowledge of her being a woman and, if they do, their prayer is invalid by consensus."

Second, it would not be right for one upon whom congregation is not incumbent to lead one upon whom it is obligatory.

Third, the best salat of a woman is in her house without contest, and it is not right that the leader of the Salat be precluded from excellence to begin with.

"why can't women be Imams or Khateebs?"

Both the imamate and khutba belong to those that can lead men in prayer and are subject to the same restrictions.

As for the claim that some of the defunct schools allowed it:

Al-Tabari, al-Muzani, Abu Thawr, and some of the Hanbalis allowed it ONLY in Tarawih AND only if none of the men present knows any Qur'an AND if the woman leads from behind the men's rows - i.e. the contrary of imamate, which means "leading from the front"! See: Ibn Qudama, Mughni; Ibn al-Jawzi, Ahkam al-Nisa'; al-San`ani, Subul al-Salam; al-Shawkani, Nayl al-Awtar; al-Tahanawi, I`la' al-Sunan; `Itr, I`lam al-Anam.

The preceding shows that the clause forwarded by Ibn Hazm and endorsed by Ibn Qattan - as cited above - is inexact; more precise is the qualified wording of the vizier Ibn Hubayra (d. 560) in his manual Ikhtilaf al-A'immat al-Arba`a:

"They concurred unanimously that the leadership of women over men in Salat is impermissible *in the obligatory prayers*."

This is confirmed by the wording of I`la' al-Sunan (4:252), which proceeds to reject the qualification and - rightly - extends the impermissibility to non-obligatory prayers as well. I.e. it is is impermissible across the board.

As for the (weak) hadith of Umm Waraqa in Abu Dawud and Ahmad, then al-Daraqutni's wording has it that the Prophet upon him peace allowed her to lead *the women* of her household in prayer. Ibn Qudama, Mughni. Regardless of this specification, the understanding of the Jumhur is that the hadith excludes men. Note that it reaches us through two unknowns, one of them a woman, from Umm Waraqa.

Even if the hadith includes the men, it remains that this dispensation was (a) for non-obligatory prayers only - since men are required to pray obligatory prayers in the congregational mosque - and (b) for the privacy of a single *household,* as further corroborated by the fact that the news of this hadith does not come to us except through unknowns.

Whoever claimed that "ahla dariha" in the hadith means "the people of her neighborhood or village" are ignorant of the Arabic language.(*)

(*) Or the same liars that claimed "a woman named Ghazala led her male warriors in prayer in Kufa after having controlled the city for a day" when the historians only related that when her Khariji husband entered Kufa she went to the mosque and prayed two rak`ats which she had vowed to pray there - alone - in which she recited al- Baqara and Al `Imran. What should have been far more significant to feminist would-be readers of Islamic history is that the Khawarij gave this Ghazala a share in the spoils of war, IN VIOLATION OF THE PROPHETIC SUNNA with regard to women that took part in the (righteous!) military campaigns of the Companions.

To go back to the hadith of Umm Waraqa:

Since this hadith is the only proof of those that allowed a woman's imamate in non-obligatory prayers, it follows that even so, there is no reliable proof for such a position.

Furthermore, the most knowledgeable woman in creation - `A'isha, Allah be well-pleased with her - preferred to pray Tarawih (a) in her house (b) behind a male (c) non-memorizer (d) slave. More, he read from an open mus-haf as he led her and her household in Salat. Muwatta'.

# If there had been a permission for women to lead men in Tarawih, `A'isha would have been the first to practice it and, short of practicing it, she would have been bound to communicate it to the Umma. #

Hence, precaution in the fist Pillar of worship dictates that we not leave the established authentic and explicit textual proofs nor the consensus of the mass-transmitted Schools for desperate interpretations of a weak report and the errings of defunct schools and weak positions being cut and pasted by feminists and modernists. And Allah knows best.

For your information CriminalalmasFertas, there is a new fetwa in islamonline

<<<<<<<< click here

and another audio file,
SunniPath Audio: Women Leading Prayers and the Way of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) <-----< << اضغط هنا >>
om: عربي_________للأبد Sent: 3/17/2005 11:08 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين جزاك الله كل خير جزاك الله كل خير وجعلها فى ميزان حسناتك لهدا المجهود خويا بسيب

I read the article on the website link that says that on the 18th of April Dr. Amina Wadud will lead the Friday prayer in one of the mosques in New York!! The news wasn't only terrifying but also horrible...!
قرأت يوم الاثنين الماضي على احد المواقع الالكترونية مقال نصه : " في يوم 18/4 ستؤم الدكتورة أمينه ودود صلاه الجمعة في احد مساجد نيويورك . لم يكن الخبر فقد مريعا بل كان مقززا!

How could a Muslim come with this kind of idea ?! the supporters of this idea don't deny that this step is unprecedented in Islam history . According to what Allah (SWT) said
كيف يأتي من ينتمي للإسلام بمثل هذه الأفكار وقد أمرنا الله: ما أتاكم به الرسول فاتوا منه استطعتم وما نهاكم عنه فانتهوا.

(And what the Prophet giveth you take it and what he doesn't don't) Ch: Al-Hashr, Verse:7
The Prophet never allowed a woman to lead a prayer of mixed genders, but only a prayer where all performers are women. This article is to warn the Muslims from praying behind that Dr. Amina Wadud
كما انه لم يسمح الرسول لمرآة قط بإمامة الصلاة المختلطة في عهده، الا ان كان كل مؤدوها من النساء .. انما هذا المقال ليحذركم من الصلاة خلف تلك المدعوة امينة ودود

Below are the quotations and Sayings of renowned Muslim Scholars:
هذه أقوال واقتباسات من آراء العلماء المسلمين والائمة المعتمدين :

There are nine conditions for leading a Friday Prayer in a mosque or in a company (salat aljama'a), plus two other conditions that the four Imams (Abu Hanifah- Al-Shafaai - ibn Hanbal - Al-Maleki) got views on. However, all views are miles away from our issue above.
هناك 9 شروط يجب أن تتوافر لإمامة صلاة الجمعة في المساجد أو أماكن العمل ( صلاة الجماعة ) ، وهناك شرطين آخرين تنوعت فيهما آراء الأئمة الأربعة ( ابو حنيفة ، الشافعى ، ابن حنبل ، والملكى )، ورغم تنوعها إلا أنها بعيده كل البعد عن طرح مثل هذه الفكرة ( إمامة المرأة )

The nine conditions according to Sunnah and Scholars are mentioned below:
ومما يلي بيان بالشروط التسع لأمامة الصلاة وفقا لمنهج أهل السنة والجماعة

1- Islam: the Imam must be a Muslim, no prayer is accepted if the Imam is a Jew or Christian or Infidel...etc.
أن يكون مسلما : يجل أن يكون الأمام مسلما ، ولا تقبل الصلاة من يهودي أو نصراني أو كافر... الخ

2- Mentality: the Imam can't be crazy or demented.سلامة العقل: يجب أن يكون عاقلا وليس بمجنون أو مخبولا

3- Maturity: the Imam must be mature.
بالغا: يجب أن يكون الأمام بالغا

4- Manhood: the Imam can't be a female
الذكورة : يجب أن يكون الأمام رجلا

5- Purity: the Imam must be pure from dirt at the time of prayer.
الطهارة : يجب أن يكون طاهرا ونظيفا من اى دنس عند الصلاة

6- Mastery of recite.
ما هرا بالقرآن : يجب أن يكون الأمام ماهرا بالقرآن

7- The Imam must be at lead (No one in front of him).
أن يكون في أول الصف ولا يتقدمه احد

8- Safety against excuses.
عدم العذر الموجب للتخلف عنها

9- Authentic Speech Imam
أن يكون محدثا صادقا

So how could any Muslim argue with the scholars regarding these
فكيف بالله عليكم أن يجادل اى مسلم في هذه الأصول والقواعد
conditions?! aren't the five condition clear enough to prevent any female engagement in Prayer leading ?!
أليست هذه التعليمات واضحة بالدرجة التي يتوجب معها وقف انخراط النساء في الإمامة !

This is not a discrimination against our sisters! Prophet (PBUH) said women are sisters of men. We just can not overload women in the name of "Women Rights" and the propaganda that is coming from the west.
هذه ليس محاولة تفرقة بين النساء والرجال ، فقد قال الرسول صلى الله عليه سلم النساء شقائق الرجال ، ولكننا لا نريد تحميل المرأة أكثر مما اوجبه الله عليها بحجة حقوق المرأة والدعاية المغرضة التي تهب علينا من الغرب

I hope this post reaches every Muslim in America and that they demonstrate adequate responsibility to prevent this event and to ensure the non recurrence of this bida'a .
آمل ان يصل هذا النداء إلى جميع المسلمين في أمريكا وان يظهروا القدر الكافي من المسئولية لوقف مثل هذا الفعل والتأكد من عدم محاولة تكراره .

We urge Muslims who read this article to inform everyone they know to prevent praying behind that woman. This is an awful Bida'a that has no reward but hellfire; every Bid'a is a perversion and every perversion is in hellfire

نهيب بالمسلمين الذين يقرأون هذا النداء ونناشدهم بان يمتنعوا عن الصلاة خلف هذه المدعوة أمينة ودود

أنها بدعة شنيعة، وكل بدعة ضلاله وكل ضلاله في النار !

صدق رسول الله

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
لَّقَدْ كَفَرَ الَّذِينَ قَآلُواْ إِنَّ اللّهَ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ

Recommend Message 8 of 22 in Discussion

From: CriminalLalmaselfartas Sent: 3/18/2005 11:52 AM
Djazaka lahou khayran,

There is a gulf trying to eradicate the Islam entirely, first invading IRAK, and to justify or strengthen their deed, they have to eradicate the Islam.
To their View if the Islam does not disappear then it will prevail, since their action with bombarding Irak, they want to label Irak to |terrorists and terrorism to Islam and make sense to their planing, they make fun of us through the media: films,thearters, even famous actors like Robert de niro making jokes with muslim names, the enemy of god are recruiting Mulims who wants to convert to satanic religion every muslim who wants to make big bucks nowadays tell him that America needs him, like if their money is gonna buy him the paradise.
Now these devils are trying to introduce something that has never happened before woman leading in prayer, in the future you can expect many things coming from them they will never stop, they will get even worse, what they don't know is that they are the losers. many famous persons lived and died like nero, julius cesar, where did they go??? may be they think their position on earth would mean anything to the after death the higher in rank you get the safest you will be with god.

Salam alikom

Recommend Message 9 of 22 in Discussion

From: basyb Sent: 3/19/2005 8:25 AM
Salam alikoum, wach rak Lalmas, j'espere que tu as resolu ton probleme ( la methode proposee par Houari est infaillible "root analysis").I used to deal with the root cause analysis methodology which is guided by rules of causal logic, and provides a logic check at each step in the analysis to make sure that all root causes have been accounted for.

Lalmas, avant de cloturer ce sujet "Innovation-beda'a", je tiens a partager avec nos aimables membres de la communaute les dires et les avis de certains ulemas tres connus dans le monde musulman.

*** Can a Muslim Woman Lead a Public Mixed-Gender Friday Prayer ? ***
*** Answered by World's most prominent Scholars of Islaam ***
*** Refutation of Dr. Amina Wadud and her 'Aqeedah ***

Question to
Al-'Allamah Abdul-Azeez Ibn Abdullaah Aal Shaykh
Grand Mufti of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Chairman of Council of Senior Scholars.
Chairman of Permanent committee of Islamic Research and Fatawaa

It was reported in Sharq-al-Ausat newspaper that next Friday there will be a Friday prayer with a mixed congregation of men and women, led by a woman. What are your comments on this?

By Allah, if the people have reached this level – if the people have lowered themselves to this level, this is evil upon evil. A woman is not permitted to lead a man in prayers. If a woman has reached a level where she desires to lead men and women in prayers, it should be known that her purpose and the purpose of her followers in doing this is not to bring good, rather it is to wage war against Allah and His Messenger. They have not established this Friday prayer except as a stubborn rejection of the truth, and an invitation to evil, and a deterrent from the teachings of Islam. It has not been recorded in Islamic history that a woman led men in prayers, and it was never done. So how can these people come and establish a Friday prayer with men and women mixed together, and a woman leading the prayer? This is in reality a most repulsive matter, and it is evil upon evil. The people who wish to establish this only want, as Allah mentioned: (translation) “And as for those who put up a mosque by way of harming and disbelief, and to disunite the believers, and as an outpost for those who warred against Allâh and His Messenger aforetime.” (At-Tawbah 9:107)

This Friday prayer is invalid, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to attend it.

Question to
Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan Al-Fawzan
Member of Council of Senior Scholars
Member of Lajnah Ad-Daaimah

It was reported in Al-Riyadh newspaper that a woman who claims to be a caller to Islam will lead men and women in prayer this Friday, as well as deliver the sermon, as part of the women’s liberation movement. This issue has received wide acceptance and support from ignorant people, specifically from outside these Muslim lands. What is the Islamic position on this, and has any one of the scholars of Fiqh allowed for a woman to lead a mixed congregation of men and women?

I do not know of anyone who allowed women to lead men in prayer. It is permissible for women to lead other women only. It was narrated in the Sunnah that Umm Waraqah led the women of her household by the command of the Prophet. As for women leading men, this has never been reported. A woman praying in congregation is required to stand behind the men’s rows, and it is not even permissible for her to stand at the same level of the men’s rows. So if it is not permissible for women even to stand in the men’s rows, then how can it be permissible for a woman to stand in front of the men’s rows during prayers?

Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad reply to this

There is a woman among us, who is a professor of Islamic studies in one of the universities, who claims that there is no prohibition in Islam for a woman to lead men in the congregational prayer. This woman is planning to deliver a Friday sermon as well as lead the Friday prayers, for a congregation of men and women. This woman believes that women praying in the back rows of the mosque behind men has nothing to do with Islam, but rather it is the it is the result of following old customs and cultural practices. Due to this belief, this Friday she will place the women's rows in front, and the men will pray behind them. What is the Islamic position on this issue? And what is the ruling on men praying behind women?

The answer to this question is that it is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayers. It is not obligatory for women to pray in the mosques, as it is for men, but if women attend the mosques, they must stay far from the men, as is understood from the Hadith of Abu Hurairah, narrated in Muslim, where the Prophet said : “The best row for men is the first one, and the worst one is the last one, and the best row for women is the last one, and the worst one is the first one.” So when a woman comes to the mosque, she must keep far from the men in obedience to the command of the Prophet. This is not from customs or cultural practices as mentioned in the question, rather it is the Sunnah of the Prophet, and that we mentioned is authentic, narrated by Muslim. So the prayer of a woman as a leader for men is not permissible, and if they performed their prayer behind a woman, then this prayer is not valid. It is not permissible for the people to appoint a woman as a leader for prayers, but rather it is obligatory that they prevent her from doing so. The Muslim is required to fully submit to all the orders of Allah and His Prophet. Allah says: (translation) “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has surely strayed into clear error.” And Allah says: (translation) “Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you from, refrain (from it). And fear Allah. Surely Allah is severe in punishment.” And He says: (translation): “So let those beware who dissent from his (the Prophet’s) order, lest a trial strike them, or a painful punishment.” These are clear texts from the Quran that prove that it is obligatory for a Muslim to hold fast to the commands of Allah, and it is not permissible to go against the rulings of Allah and do something that is forbidden. And it has never been recorded in history that a woman ever led men in prayers. So in conclusion, this is a matter that is evil, and an act that is forbidden. It is not permissible for the people to appoint her to lead the prayers, and it is necessary that a man leads them instead. Also, the women should be completely separated from the men, according to the authentic Hadith that we mentioned before. And Allah knows best.

This woman says that she disagrees with the Quranic ruling mandating cutting off the hand of a thief, because she believes that cutting off someone's hand is brutal behavior. Also, she does not submit to some of the Quranic rulings that pertain to Islamically prescribed punishments. What is the ruling on one who denies the permissibility of cutting off the hand of a thief?

Whoever rejects any ruling of Allah, like the ruling mandating amputation of the hand of a thief - whoever rejects these rulings and says that they are brutal has committed apostasy from Islam and has denied what has been revealed in the Quran. The ruling for such a person is that he or she is an apostate, and it is obligatory to kill such a person. The Prophet said : “Whoever (among the Muslims) changes his religion, kill him.”

This professor says that if a Muslim finds difficulty or problems understanding some verses of the Quran, it is permissible to reject these verses and say "No" to the Quran. What is the ruling on such a statement?

A3. This statement is apostasy from Islam. It is not permissible to say “No” to the Quran. Rather, it is obligatory to say “We hear and we obey.” Allah says: (translation) “It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in their affair.” What this woman has said is not from the words of the Muslims, rather it is from the words of the apostates from Islam, who are at war with Islam. As for the Muslim, he has no choice but to fully accept and submit to the commands of Allah and His Messenger.

When this professor was asked about implementation of Islamic laws in Canada, she rejected this suggestion, but in the same lecture, she gave her support to same-sex marriages? What do you say about this?

This is in opposition to the natural state in which Allah created people. If it is true that his woman made such a statement, then she is far from Islam, and not from among the Muslims. Rather she is from among the disbelievers and apostates. If it is true that she made these statements, then each one of these statements takes her out of the fold of Islam. The statement she made about amputation of the thief’s hand being brutal is a statement of disbelief and apostasy. Likewise, the statement she made about saying “No” to the Quran when one’s whims don’t agree with it, is a statement of disbelief and apostasy. Also, the statement she made supposrting same-sex relationships is a statement that is totally in opposition to the natural state in which Allah created the people.

This woman says that it is the right of women to sit with men in the main hall of the mosque, without any barrier, and it is the right of women to participate in all activities normally reserved for men, such as leading the prayers, etc... What is the correct position in this matter?

A woman is prohibited from mixing with men. When the Prophet would lead the people in prayer, and women would attend the mosque, he would stay with the men in the mosque for a period of time after the prayer was over, so the women would have time to leave without having to mix with the men. Then, after the women left, the Prophet would leave with the men, and the purpose of this was to avoid mixing between men and women. So how can this woman or other than her feel that they have the right to mix with the opposite sex and participate in activities that are reserved for men? A woman is not allowed to hold a position of leadership, as the Prophet said: “A nation that gives a woman leadership over their affair will never succeed.” As I mentioned before, a Muslim has no choice but to fully accept and submit to the commands of Allah.

Shaykh Saalih Ibn Muhammed Al-Luhaydaan
Member of Council of Senior Scholars
Member of Lajnah Ad-Daaimah

Q1. There is a woman among us, who is a professor of Islamic studies in one of the universities, who claims that there is no prohibition in Islam for a woman to lead men in the congregational prayer. This woman is planning to deliver a Friday sermon as well as lead the Friday prayers, for a congregation of men and women. This woman believes that women praying in the back rows of the mosque behind men has nothing to do with Islam, but rather it is the it is the result of following old customs and cultural practices. Due to this belief, this Friday she will place the women's rows in front, and the men will pray behind them. What is the Islamic position on this issue? And what is the ruling on men praying behind women?

A1. All Praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessings be on His Messenger who delivered the message, fulfilled the trust given to him, advised the nation, and left us on a clear path. Nobody deviates from this path except that he is religiously destroyed.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained to us what was revealed to him by Allah in the Quran. Allah revealed the Quran as a clarification for all things, and He ordered His prophet to explain to the people what has been revealed to them by their Lord. And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fulfilled this duty and clarified all issues. He never made a woman a leader of prayers for men. Allah says: (translation) "Men are the care-takers of women" And when He mentioned the relationship between men and women, He made clear that men are favored over women.

With regards to acts of worship, however, it is necessary for women to carry out the same obligations as men. For instance, women are required to observe all the daily prayers, just as men are. This obligation is never waived except if a woman is menstruating or in the period of post-childbirth bleeding.

It is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayers, as it is not permissible for her to deliver a Friday sermon. A woman is not allowed to be a leader for men in obligatory or supererogatory prayers. She is only permitted to lead other women in prayers, and while she is doing this, she should stay in the middle of the first row of women she is leading, and she should not come in front of them.

What I have mentioned here is the opinion of the majority of Islamic scholars, past and present. And it is not proper for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to innovate into this religion what Allah and His Messenger have not allowed.

This professor you mentioned, perhaps intends to deliver a Friday sermon, or perhaps she would like to lead the people in the Friday prayer. This is a matter that is not permissible in Islamic law. No evidence can be found to support her position in the Quran, the Sunnah, the sayings of the companions and their followers, or the sayings of the people of knowledge. If this woman is Muslim, then it is obligatory for her to comply to the rulings set by Islam, and to follow the guidance of the Mothers of the Believers, and the women of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.

I do not know of anyone from any period of time who has allowed a woman to lead the people in Friday prayers or deliver a Friday sermon. This never occurred during the time of the rightly-guided caliphs, which was the peak of the Islamic nation, nor during the Umayyah or Abbasi dynasties. Actually, it never occurred during any time whatsoever. So there is no doubt that this is clear misguidance, and we ask Allah to guide that woman, and those who accept her position, to the truth.

Q2. This woman says that she disagrees with the Quranic ruling mandating cutting off the hand of a thief, because she believes that cutting off someone's hand is brutal behavior. Also, she does not submit to some of the Quranic rulings that pertain to Islamically prescribed punishments. What is the ruling on one who denies the permissibility of cutting off the hand of a thief?

A2. One who denies a ruling that is clearly stated in the Quran becomes a disbeliever, and leaves the fold of Islam. Allah says (translation) "The male and female thief -- cut off their hands." However, for this ruling to be carried out, certain conditions must be met. For instance it should be clear that the thief didn't mistakenly take money that he thought was his. Also, if a Muslim takes money from the Muslim public treasury, his hand is not to be cut off, rather he is to be punished in a way that will deter himself and others from committing this crime in the future.

When people start to deny the laws that the Quran has set, then they have actually started to leave Islam and remove it's companionship from their necks. And by doing so, there is a great evil and misguidance, its extent known only to Allah.

Q3. This professor says that if a Muslim finds difficulty or problems understanding some verses of the Quran, it is permissible to reject these verses and say "No" to the Quran. What is the ruling on such a statement?

A3. One who makes this statement has fallen into a dangerous situation. The Quran was revealed in the language of the Arabs, and it is completely understood in the language of the Arabs, except for the matters of the unseen, and this was explained by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). As for those who follow the unclear verses in the Quran, they are the people whose hearts have deviated from the straight path. In the Quran there are verses that are understandable to any Arab who can read and understand the Arabic language. There are other verses that deal with detailed rulings, and these have been explained by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah says (translation) "that you (O Prophet) explain to the people what has been revealed to them." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fulfilled this duty and explained everything. Allah also mentioned about the Quran (translation) "In it are verses that are precise -- they are the foundation of the Book, and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation, the will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation (suitable to them)." These are the people of misguidance. As for those who have firm knowledge, they say "We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord." As for the idea of rejecting the verses of the Quran that one does not understand, it should be known that recitation of the Quran is an act of worship, even if the reciter does not understand what he is reading. If he is able to read and understand what he is reading, then he has been given a great blessing. Intentionally rejecting a verse from the Quran, and firmly resolving not to accept it, is actually firmly resolving to leave Islam. This is something that none of the people of knowledge have ever agreed to. The Quran was revealed as a clarification for all things, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained these things to us in his Sunnah. The Sunnah of the Prophet clarifies what is difficult to understand in the Quran. It limits, specifies, and clarifies certain rulings. Furthermore, the Quran cannot be understood by all people. A person with greater understanding of the Arabic language can comprehend the general verses of the Quran better than others. Whoever deviates from this understanding has deviated from the straight path, and taken the other paths that lead to misguidance. Allah says (translation): "And surely this is My straight path, so follow it, and do not follow the (other) ways, for you will be separated from His way." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once was with his companions, and he drew a straight line. He drew to the left and right many crooked lines. He then said that the straight line was the path of Allah, whereas the crooked lines were the other paths, with each one having a devil calling to it. Then he recited the previously mentioned verse: (translation) "And surely this is My straight path, so follow it, and do not follow the (other) ways, for you will be separated from His way." We ask Allah to protect us and keep us safe from this.

Q4. When this professor was asked about implementation of Islamic laws in Canada, she rejected this suggestion, but in the same lecture, she gave her support to same-sex marriages? What do you say about this?

A4. This statement does not even need to be discussed. Is this woman a Muslim? A Muslim would never make such a statement. It is impossible for a sane Muslim to make such a statement. She is not only allowing homosexuality, but encouraging and justifying it by suggesting that same-sex marriages should be recognized. On the other hand, she is rejecting the implementation of Islamic law. Is she a Muslim. No one from the fold of Islam would allow a man to marry a man and a woman to marry a woman. The only question is: Should a man who commits homosexuality be executed or not? Should it be carried out by stoning or not? Most of the companions were of the opinion that men who commit homosexuality should be executed. Shaykh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah mentioned that the companions and the Tabi'een had a consensus on the issue of execution, but the difference of opinion was on how it should be carried out? Should they be stoned, or thrown off the highest structure in the land? The idea of legalizing homosexuality is filthy and evil, and could never be supported by a Muslim. We ask Allah to keep us safe.

Q5. This woman says that it is the right of women to sit with men in the main hall of the mosque, without any barrier, and it is the right of women to participate in all activities normally reserved for men, such as leading the prayers, etc... What is the correct position in this matter?

A5. Surely, this is from misguidance. Women have roles and jobs specific to them, and men have roles and jobs specific to them. Allah specified women to carry children and give birth. Also, Allah says: (translation) "Men are the care-takers of women." And when the Persians appointed the daughter of Kisra as the leader of their kingdom after his death, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said (translation): "A nation who appoints a woman as its leader will not be successful." Furthermore, even the testimony of a woman is not equal to that of a man. According to the Quran, the testimony of two women is equal to that of one man. As for crowds of men and women entering the mosque from the same door, and the issue of women and men sitting side by side without a barrier, this is something that is totally against the etiquettes of Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said (translation): “The best rows for the women are the last ones, and the worst ones are the front ones." And he said with regards to the prayer, which is the most important act of worship (translation): "If the wife of one of you asks for permission to go to the mosque, let him not prevent her, but their houses are better for them." He also said : (translation): the first trial that affected the Children of Israel was due to women." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also informed us that he did not leave behind a more harmful trial for men than women. So we say: May Allah guide the men and women of the Muslims to hold fast to their religion and respect the rulings of Allah, and constrain their actions to comply with the Quran and the Sunnah and what the scholars have agreed upon. No nation has a methodology that addresses all situations of man and his personal life, as well as his business dealings, his relations with friends and enemies, his relations with his family and relatives, his relations with the rulers and subjects -- no nation has a methodology that deals with these relationships like the methodology of Islam. And whoever wants something other than Islam, wants to fall into clear misguidance. And help is sought with Allah.


Recommend Message 10 of 22 in Discussion

From: basyb Sent: 3/19/2005 8:25 AM
Shaykh Abdullaah Ali Ar-Rukbaan
Member of Council of Senior Scholars
Member of Lajnah Ad-Daaimah

Q1. There is a woman among us, who is a professor of Islamic studies in one of the universities, who claims that there is no prohibition in Islam for a woman to lead men in the congregational prayer. This woman is planning to deliver a Friday sermon as well as lead the Friday prayers, for a congregation of men and women. This woman believes that women praying in the back rows of the mosque behind men has nothing to do with Islam, but rather it is the it is the result of following old customs and cultural practices. Due to this belief, this Friday she will place the women's rows in front, and the men will pray behind them. What is the Islamic position on this issue? And what is the ruling on men praying behind women?

A1. Islam has brought honor to women, and has given them a position that suits them. It has made women similar to men in many matters, but it has differentiated between them in other matters, with respect to what each sex naturally excels in. Islam raised the status of women, and gave them importance. Allah says (translation): “And due to them is similar to what is expected of them.”

It is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayers, because leading the prayers is something that is exclusively reserved for men. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in an authentic narration: “A woman is not to lead a man in prayers.” Because of this, what the woman mentioned in the question plans to do is shocking, and it is in opposition to what the majority of the scholars have agreed upon. Also, it is known that history has never recorded a case in which a women led men in Friday prayers, or any other prayer for that matter. If this ever happened, the narration would have surely been transmitted to us. It is not permissible to submit to the whims and desires while rejecting the Islamic rulings. It is also not permissible to follow an understanding that has no evidence to support it. By doing this, a person is actually disregarding the fundamental principles of the religion. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered the women to pray in the back rows, behind the rows of men, so that no mixing between the sexes would take place. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said “The best row for women is the last one, and the worst is the first one. And the best row for men is the first one, and the worst one is the last one.” If a woman leads men in prayer, then this prayer is not valid according to the majority of the scholars of all the different schools of thought. As for women praying in front of men, this act invalidates the men’s prayer, according to what many of the scholars have stated. With regards to this woman who plans to lead the prayers and place women in front of men, it is incumbent on her to fear Allah, and she must not submit to her own whims and desires while disregarding the rulings of Allah. She should not treat the rulings of Islam like a toy that can be played with. When one starts putting his or her whims and desires before the commandments of Islam, this leads to the loss of discipline, and the loss of obedience to the rules of Allah.
It is permissible for a woman to lead other women in prayer. If a woman leads other women in prayer, it is better for her to stay in the middle of the front row, without standing in front of the congregation. However, if she does stand in front of them, there is no problem with that.
It is obligatory on the brothers who have a connection with this woman to advise her to fear Allah and try to convince her to return to the truth and reject her false ideology. It has been narrated in the Sunnah that whoever initiates an evil practice will carry his own sin as well as the sin of all of those who follow his example until the Day of Judgement. I fear that this woman will carry the sin of what she has said, as well as the sins of everyone who accepts and follows her position in the future.

Q2. This woman says that she disagrees with the Quranic ruling mandating cutting off the hand of a thief, because she believes that cutting off someone's hand is brutal behavior. Also, she does not submit to some of the Quranic rulings that pertain to Islamically prescribed punishments. What is the ruling on one who denies the permissibilty of cutting off the hand of a thief?

A2. Amputation of the hand of the thief is an Islamic ruling that is agreed upon by all the scholars. The Quran is very clear on this ruling. Allah says (translation) “And the male and female thief, cut off their hands in recompense for what they have done, as a deterrent from Allah. And Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise ” And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The hand of the thief is to be amputated for (theft of) a quarter of a dinar or more.” The Ahadith that mention the amputation of the hand of the thief are correct and authentic. A woman who stole was once brought to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and he ordered for her hand to be amputated. Intercession to the Prophet was done on her behalf, as she was a woman of honor and high social status. The Prophet then delivered a sermon and said “What destroyed the people before you is that when a person of high status stole, they would leave him, but when a weak person stole, they would carry out the prescribed punishment. By Allah, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, Muhammad would cut off her hand.” So the rejection of the Islamic ruling on the one who steals is a very dangerous matter, and it is feared that one who holds this opinion has exited the circle of Islam. It is obligatory on the Muslims to fully accept all the rulings that have been revealed in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and to submit to these rulings with obedience to Allah and compliance with His commands. It is important that the Muslims do not pay attention to what the enemies of Islam say, as they try to place doubt in the Muslims with regards to the Islamic rulings. If the punishment for stealing was carried out correctly, the crime of theft would be virtually eliminated, and because of this, only very few hands would be cut. Enemies of Islam try to place doubts in the hearts of the Muslims with regards to this ruling and others like it, and behind this effort is their own agenda. It is incumbent on the Muslims not to be affected by these efforts. Rather, Muslims should take pride in their religion and carry out all of its commandments, and by doing this they will gain honor and happiness in this world and the Hereafter. It is necessary for Muslims to fully accept all rulings that have been revealed in the Quran. Allah says (translation): “But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they make you judge concerning that over which they dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have judged and submit in submission.”

Q3. This professor says that if a Muslim finds difficulty or problems understanding some verses of the Quran, it is permissible to reject these verses and say "No" to the Quran. What is the ruling on such a statement?

A3. This statement is extremely dangerous. It is necessary for the Muslim to accept each and every verse found in the Book of Allah., and to submit fully to every command and ruling. If a person reads and understands a ruling, this is well and good, but if he doesn’t understand a particular ruling, then it is obligatory on him to ask the people of knowledge to clarify it for him. It is not permissible for a person to reject following a verse in the Quran just because he doesn’t understand its meaning. If we were to accept this methodology, there would be nothing left in our religion, because many of the people do not understand many of the rulings of Islam. Only those who Allah has blessed with knowledge are able to fully comprehend the rulings found in the Quran. This level of comprehension requires a person to spend all his time studying the Book of Allah and its interpretation according to the scholars of Islam.

Q4. When this professor was asked about implementation of Islamic laws in Canada, she rejected this suggestion, but in the same lecture, she gave her support to same-sex marriages. What do you say about this?

A4. It is necessary for the Muslim to adhere to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His
Messenger, and to understand the Quran and Sunnah correctly, without falling into extremism or over-leniency. And it is necessary to call others to this religion and spread it all over the world. It is necessary for the Muslim to observe the commandments of Islam personally, as well as call others towards the observance of these commandments in all of their affairs, public and private. The last people of this Ummah will not be made upright except by that which made the first people of this Ummah upright. The religion of Islam is the religion of love, mercy, and kindness, and it has given everyone their rights, Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Same-sex marriage is an issue of the utmost vulgarity. It is something that any sane mind would reject. In addition to this, there was never a religious legal code from the nations before us that allowed same-sex marriage. The laws of Islam are in front of all these laws, and they do not allow for sexual relations between men and men or between women and women. Actually this is considered from among the greatest of the major sins, and it is even worse if there is an attempt to rationalize it through a marriage contract. This woman must fear Allah and repent to Him, and seek forgiveness for what she has said and done. Also, it is necessary for the brothers who live in the land where this women resides to advise her with kindness and gentleness, with hope that Allah may guide her and those who have been affected by her ideas.

Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rehmaan Al-Huthayfi
Imaam and Khateeb of Prophet's Masjid, Madinah

Q1. There is a woman among us, who is a professor of Islamic studies in one of the universities, who claims that there is no prohibition in Islam for a woman to lead men in the congregational prayer. This woman is planning to deliver a Friday sermon as well as lead the Friday prayers, for a congregation of men and women. This woman believes that women praying in the back rows of the mosque behind men has nothing to do with Islam, but rather it is the it is the result of following old customs and cultural practices. Due to this belief, this Friday she will place the women's rows in front, and the men will pray behind them. What is the Islamic position on this issue? And what is the ruling on men praying behind women?

A1. The answer to this question is that the prayer of a woman as a leader of men and women is not valid. The prayer of the woman leading the prayers, as well as the prayer of all the men and women praying behind her, are all invalid and unacceptable. The Prophet said : “Pray as you have seen me praying.” It has never been narrated in Islamic history that a woman led prayers for men and women. What is required from women according to Islamic law is that they remain concealed, shy, and modest. This action – a woman leading men and women in prayers, is an act that is in opposition to the Quran and the Sunnah, because Allah made leadership for men. The Prophet said: “The leader was placed to be followed.” The purpose behind what this woman is attempting to do is to alter the understanding of Islam that all the scholars have agreed upon. However, it is impossible for anyone to block the light of the sun, and it is impossible for anyone to harm Islam with anything. The plan of this woman is a weak plan. It is necessary for this woman to be warned and prevented from this action, so it cannot spread, and so others will not be convinced to follow her misguidance, because surely this is a matter that is clearly false and deviant.

Q2. This woman says that she disagrees with the Quranic ruling mandating cutting off the hand of a thief, because she believes that cutting off someone's hand is brutal behavior. Also, she does not submit to some of the Quranic rulings that pertain to Islamically prescribed punishments. What is the ruling on one who denies the permissibility of cutting off the hand of a thief?

A2. Whoever denies the ruling on amuptation of the hand oh the thief -- which is clearly proven by the Quran and the Sunnah – whoever denies this is a disbeliever. If the person who denies this ruling is said to be among the Muslims, then this denial takes him out of Islam, and if the person is not a Muslim, then he is an clear enemy of Islam. This woman who has made this statement has no portion of Islam at all. The statement of disbelievers can never be accepted, because they are ignorant, evil-doing enemies of Islam. The statement of this woman is the most evil of things that has been heard, and the most filthy of things that has been written on this issue. This is from the evil plots that the enemies of Islam have planned against the Muslim, but Islam is like a mountain – even the strongest winds cannot harm or shake it.

Q3. This professor says that if a Muslim finds difficulty or problems understanding some verses of the Quran, it is permissible to reject these verses and say "No" to the Quran. What is the ruling on such a statement?

A3. The answer to this question is that there is no verse in the Quran that contains a command or a prohibition or any legislation thats meaning is hidden. Actually the Quran is very clear in its wording and rulings, and the interpretation of these rulings can be known through the people of knowledge, and the books of knowledge. The statement of this woman is a filthy statement, and it is a statement of disbelief. Disbelief has many stages and levels, with some levels being greater than others, and the statement of this woman is one of the greatest and most repulsive forms of disbelief. She has come with a statement that is from the darkest depths of disbelief. Actually this statement is darkness upon darkness.

Q4. When this professor was asked about implementation of Islamic laws in Canada, she rejected this suggestion, but in the same lecture, she gave her support to same-sex marriages? What do you say about this?

A4. This statement, regarding men marrying men and women marrying women, can be refuted by looking at the world of animals. Even animals do not degrade themselves to this filthy, vulgar, repulsive level. This woman, by making such a statement, has made herself filthier and more repulsive than any animal or beast on the face of this earth.

Q5. This woman says that it is the right of women to sit with men in the main hall of the mosque, without any barrier, and it is the right of women to participate in all activities normally reserved for men, such as leading the prayers, etc... What is the correct position in this matter?

A5. This filthy repulsive woman is legislating laws for herself according to her own whims and desires. Whoever is able to prevent her from spreading these evil animalistic ideas, his reward will be with Allah. This woman is pleased to put herself in a position lower and more degrading than that of the animals. She legislates laws for herself according to what her own whims and desires dictate to her, and she speaks for no one but herself, because Allah honored the daughters of the children of Adam, and he said : (translation) “And surely We have honored the children of Adam.” As for the person whom Allah has not honored to obey Him, there is no one on ths earth who can honor such a person, and this person will be in constant disgrace and humility until he is placed in the fire to abide therein forever.


Recommend Message 11 of 22 in Discussion

From: Dexterzthouqtz Sent: 3/21/2005 3:29 PM
salam 3likoum ya jma3at elkhir

wallah i feel ashamed to say i live in new york or the US , and i feel more ashamed kifach ghadi nkablou rabi yawm elkiyama , wa7naya anchoufu had elmounkar ya7sal fi 7ak elislam wa dinouna el7anif elnathif min taraf ha 2oula2 elmoutatarifine elkafara elmounafikine la3natou llah 3laihoum and kima kal hadak l'algerien near the church yalli kanat atssali fiha hadik elmal3ouna elmounafika 3adouwat llah yalli she look like candaliza reisse hiya and hadik elmal3ouna yali kanat tou2athin wa hiya makchoufat elfigoura kalhoum fi interview ma3a eljazira janb church hadik lazam atmout wa nsay7ou damha ou rabi ghadi ya7ragha inshallah 3andou el7k il a bien and 3andou le courage bach kal hakda on National TV i beleive koulkoum chaftouh hadak elakh , yawm eljouma3a elmathi , 3ala koulin
i just feel ashamed cuz i can't do anything about it and maranich 3arfa kifach ghadi ankabal rabi min yas2alni watch darti fi difa3i 3ala diniki 3indaha ?!!!!!!!!!
allahouma ghfir lana wa sami7na cuz na7nou thou3afa2 eliman , allahouma kawi imanana so we can do some thing one against had elkafara ,


Recommend Message 12 of 22 in Discussion

From: aniss Sent: 3/21/2005 5:04 PM
oui , hadal le jeune, rabi yassatrou,et encore hada ts les samedi et dimanche at time square edir edawaa, et with flyers at 42 st .... et inakache hadouk el yahouda .
rabi atahh fassaht elissane et naamou be imane kawi, et machaa allah.
il etais le seul et restera fes le anales de la comunity algerienne a ny . no seleument kil a pris face avec cette ignorante, mais pour d autre taches kil fait de ttes ces journees juste pour ke l islam soit bien compris a travers cette city dominee par les juifs , et entre autres il ne ce lasse jamais .
nadou errahmane yastrou et yahafdou....
salam .

Recommend Message 13 of 22 in Discussion

From: katkoutah220v Sent: 3/22/2005 10:03 AM

sa7a anis wach rak inshallah bekhayr

alors you saw him right? on tv!!

he was so cool that guy really rabi inshalah ya7afdou and ywafkou lima yatloub fi sabil llah.

elmouhim elmoucharaka ,


Recommend Message 14 of 22 in Discussion

From: aniss Sent: 3/22/2005 1:50 PM
ketkou welahh rani hamdoulilah et j espere ke toi aussi raki bien et in chalah
tt va bien ..
yes ketkou chaftou en direct ,sans intereference , ni censsure , ni houm yahzanoun.
et puis makhla maykoul , darlhoum hala , et sans gene , meme les autorites,alors manahderche ala hadouk soit disont la securite taa ezamarr enfin zamma securite ,
enfin hada ya ketkou au faite djarakk ,hee oui c ton voisin .\
aya je vs souhaite a ts une tres bonne journee et alp in challah ..

Recommend (2 recommendations so far) Message 15 of 22 in Discussion

From: Yacine Sent: 3/24/2005 8:14 AM
فصل المقال في إمامة النساء للرجال
المؤلف مجموعة من العلماء والدعاة
نبذه عن الكتاب مجموعة من الفتاوى الشرعية حول مسألة إمامة المرأة للرجل تم نقلها من موقع صيد الفوائد جزاه الله خيراً

تاريخ الإضافة 13/2/1426

رابط القراءة << اضغط هنا >>

Recommend Message 16 of 22 in Discussion

From: AbdellahAzzam Sent: 3/25/2005 1:50 PM
آخر أضحوكات الزمان
خرجت علينا بنت الحسب والنسب الأمريكية تعلمنا كيف تكون صلاة المساواة !!!
خرجت علينا بعد ألف وأربعمئة سنة من قول الله تعالى " اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم "

وقفت تصف الصفوف
وكأنى أراها تحمل لواءهم يوم القيامة أمام مليك مقتدر .. فماذا تقول يومها ؟
وقد أحدثت بدعة وفتنة لن يسلم من شرها ضعاف الإيمان وحديثي الإسلام من اهل الغرب والشرق ممن لا يجيدون العربيه
أما أهل الإسلام في الثغور فلا نخشي عليهم امثال هذه البومة ، لأن هذه الأفكار لا تستوى على أرض يقف على ترابها مجاهدون بواسل من مدرسة الفلوجة العسكرية الحديثة ، أو ممن حضر الملاحم في قندهار وتورا بورا.
إنما الخوف كل الخوف
من هذه البومة التي نعقت وصرخت ، وجمعت لصريخها متحذلقات الدفاع عن حقوق المرأة العربية
وآخرهم الكاتبه هويدا طه التي كتبت في القدس العربي يوم الخميس 23 مارس 2005 تقول مستنكرة :
فمن قائلٍ (لا يفلح قوم ولوّا امرهم امرأة) الي قائلٍ بان (النساء ناقصات عقلٍ ودين)
ويبدو أن جلالتها - أي هويدا - ورغم أن أبوها اسمه طه وهو أحد أسماء نبي الإسلام ، يبدو أن نيافتها وعظمتها تتمتع بجهل مركب ، لأن ما تهكمت عليه واستنكرته إنما هو قول نبي الإسلام محمد بن عبد الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
إن هذا الكلام - الذي لا يعحب قداستها - منسوب لمن كتب اسمه على باب الجنة في جملة التوحيد " لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله "
ويبدوا أننا سنشهد قريبا المزيد من نعيق البوم الذي يركب الموجة الأمريكية الرابحة ، لينهش في بنيان هذا الدين الذي خذله معظم أبنائه عندما تولوا سبيل الشيطان ورضوا بالحياة الدنيا

خرجت علينا بومة أمريكا بسنة غير سنة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
وتداعى لها البوم من كافة أرجاء المعمورة ليصدق قول الحق تعالى : " ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر "

وهنا يطرأ سؤال بحاجة إلى إجابة شافية من مشايخنا
مشايخ الأمة لا مشايخ أمريكا وفرنسا وأسبانيا
ما هو حكم من فعلت هذه البدعة ؟؟ وما هو حكم من صلى وراءها ؟؟ هل خرجوا عن الملة ؟؟ وهل تتبع هذه المرأة في حكمها حكم مسليمة الكذاب ومدعى النبوة في عصر الراشدين ؟؟

هذا سؤال مهم
لأن هذه الحادثة الشاذه في عامنا هذا .. قد تنتقل بعد بضعة أعوام إلى أرض الإسلام .. فوجب علي شيوخ الإسلام أن يوضحوا لنا كيف نتعامل مع هذه العاهات التي أتحفتنا بها بطون الأمهات في عصرنا هذا !! عصر حرية المرأة !!!!!!!!!!! ولا أدري لماذا أنجبت لدينا المرأة في عصور التخلف والقهر صلاح الدين والعز بن عبد السلام وغيرهم من الأفذاذ .. بينما لم تنجب لنا المرأة المحررة إلا أشباه الرجال من محمد عطيه والشاب ما مي وغيرهم من المخنثين الذين هم عار على شباب الأمة.

أيها المسلمون والمسلمات
الله الله في دينكم .. هذه حادثة جلل .. فلنتصدى لها بقوة قبل أن يتسرب هذا السرطان إلى باقى أمور العبادات في ديننا ، هذه أول نتائج الفرقان الحق ، وغدا تشاهدون الصوم على طريقة والت ديزني ، والحج بطريقة ماكدونالدز ، والتوحيد على مذهب الإمام بوش الإبن !!! والعرض القادم هدم الكعبة
عليكم بتعليم أبنائكم الإسلام كما نزل على نبي الإسلام صلى الله عليه وسلم

ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

Recommend Message 16 of 22 in Discussion

From: AbdellahAzzam Sent: 3/25/2005 1:50 PM
آخر أضحوكات الزمان
خرجت علينا بنت الحسب والنسب الأمريكية تعلمنا كيف تكون صلاة المساواة !!!
خرجت علينا بعد ألف وأربعمئة سنة من قول الله تعالى " اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم "

وقفت تصف الصفوف
وكأنى أراها تحمل لواءهم يوم القيامة أمام مليك مقتدر .. فماذا تقول يومها ؟
وقد أحدثت بدعة وفتنة لن يسلم من شرها ضعاف الإيمان وحديثي الإسلام من اهل الغرب والشرق ممن لا يجيدون العربيه
أما أهل الإسلام في الثغور فلا نخشي عليهم امثال هذه البومة ، لأن هذه الأفكار لا تستوى على أرض يقف على ترابها مجاهدون بواسل من مدرسة الفلوجة العسكرية الحديثة ، أو ممن حضر الملاحم في قندهار وتورا بورا.
إنما الخوف كل الخوف
من هذه البومة التي نعقت وصرخت ، وجمعت لصريخها متحذلقات الدفاع عن حقوق المرأة العربية
وآخرهم الكاتبه هويدا طه التي كتبت في القدس العربي يوم الخميس 23 مارس 2005 تقول مستنكرة :
فمن قائلٍ (لا يفلح قوم ولوّا امرهم امرأة) الي قائلٍ بان (النساء ناقصات عقلٍ ودين)
ويبدو أن جلالتها - أي هويدا - ورغم أن أبوها اسمه طه وهو أحد أسماء نبي الإسلام ، يبدو أن نيافتها وعظمتها تتمتع بجهل مركب ، لأن ما تهكمت عليه واستنكرته إنما هو قول نبي الإسلام محمد بن عبد الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
إن هذا الكلام - الذي لا يعحب قداستها - منسوب لمن كتب اسمه على باب الجنة في جملة التوحيد " لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله "
ويبدوا أننا سنشهد قريبا المزيد من نعيق البوم الذي يركب الموجة الأمريكية الرابحة ، لينهش في بنيان هذا الدين الذي خذله معظم أبنائه عندما تولوا سبيل الشيطان ورضوا بالحياة الدنيا

خرجت علينا بومة أمريكا بسنة غير سنة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
وتداعى لها البوم من كافة أرجاء المعمورة ليصدق قول الحق تعالى : " ظهر الفساد في البر والبحر "

وهنا يطرأ سؤال بحاجة إلى إجابة شافية من مشايخنا
مشايخ الأمة لا مشايخ أمريكا وفرنسا وأسبانيا
ما هو حكم من فعلت هذه البدعة ؟؟ وما هو حكم من صلى وراءها ؟؟ هل خرجوا عن الملة ؟؟ وهل تتبع هذه المرأة في حكمها حكم مسليمة الكذاب ومدعى النبوة في عصر الراشدين ؟؟

هذا سؤال مهم
لأن هذه الحادثة الشاذه في عامنا هذا .. قد تنتقل بعد بضعة أعوام إلى أرض الإسلام .. فوجب علي شيوخ الإسلام أن يوضحوا لنا كيف نتعامل مع هذه العاهات التي أتحفتنا بها بطون الأمهات في عصرنا هذا !! عصر حرية المرأة !!!!!!!!!!! ولا أدري لماذا أنجبت لدينا المرأة في عصور التخلف والقهر صلاح الدين والعز بن عبد السلام وغيرهم من الأفذاذ .. بينما لم تنجب لنا المرأة المحررة إلا أشباه الرجال من محمد عطيه والشاب ما مي وغيرهم من المخنثين الذين هم عار على شباب الأمة.

أيها المسلمون والمسلمات
الله الله في دينكم .. هذه حادثة جلل .. فلنتصدى لها بقوة قبل أن يتسرب هذا السرطان إلى باقى أمور العبادات في ديننا ، هذه أول نتائج الفرقان الحق ، وغدا تشاهدون الصوم على طريقة والت ديزني ، والحج بطريقة ماكدونالدز ، والتوحيد على مذهب الإمام بوش الإبن !!! والعرض القادم هدم الكعبة
عليكم بتعليم أبنائكم الإسلام كما نزل على نبي الإسلام صلى الله عليه وسلم

ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

Recommend Message 17 of 22 in Discussion

From: CriminalLalmaselfartas Sent: 3/26/2005 7:51 AM
Salam alikom wadjazaka lah a3la ma koulta walah yazidouka i3lman inshaalah,

What I noticed is that this gulf is not only trying to ruin the Islamic foundations and undermine it's progress," it is a well known fact that since september 11, this event has exploded the men-made media curtain that blinded peoples eyes and saw clear what are they meant to do, many of them embrassed Islam macha alah".As I said above not only Islam, I watch TV every now and then and the same thing happens to the church, the devil is embodying all the powers, we must just hold to the fact that even if you the only muslim left on earth noone absolutely no evil can harm you when you have a strong faith in alah.
I pray for all the muslims to be aware of these khabaiths, and try to find a place whereever they are a good muslim surrounding where one can protect him/herself from the western meaningless objectives.

Salam alikom

Message 18 of 22 in Discussion

From: Yacine Sent: 4/3/2005 10:00 AM
حكم إمامة المرأة للرجال في الصلاة
بحث شرعي مبسط

بقلم د. هاني السباعي

مدير مركز المقريزي للدراسات التاريخية

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وبعد:
هذا بحث شرعي مبسط أقدمه لإخواننا طلبة العلم المبتدئين، ولكل من يهمه أمر المسلمين. نسأل الله أن يستخدمنا لنصرة دينه. وقد سرت في هذا البحث المتواضع على النحو التالي:
أولاً: تقدمة.
ثانياً: هل صلاة الجمعة واجبة في الأصل على المرأة؟
ثالثاً: أدلة القائلين بإمامة المرأة للرجال في الصلاة.
رابعاً: أدلة القائلين بعدم جواز إمامة المرأة للرجال في الصلاة.
خامساً: نتف من أقوال علماء المذاهب الإسلامية.
صفوة القول.



Recommend Message 19 of 22 in Discussion

From: Muchkill_algeria Sent: 4/3/2005 11:39 AM
Salammmmmmmm alikoum adjma3een,

Ana 3la bali, hta fel mout el mra tkoun fel akhir souffouf, ki nsali salat el djanaza fel makbara, ihoutou tabout erradjal touima ba3da7 tabout elwalad wa touma tabout el mar2a. Ce qui veux dire, et comme vous pouvez le constater par vous meme, el mar2a est toujours apres l'homme , que se soit dans la priere ou autre! Que penses tu Ghhhhhingo?

Recommend Message 20 of 22 in Discussion

From: katkoutah220v Sent: 4/4/2005 11:31 AM

behhh pfffffffffff moi j'pense ke la magh2a est tjrs apres le ghajoul voila , but let's not foghget aussi ke l'homme without la magh2a maysawi walou and el3akssou sa7i7 behhh voila .

alors what tu en pense gghhhingo!!!!

et toi kghimo any afkagh about this mawdou3 that will never end i guess?!!!

alors ke houari i know what he thinks about this,

according to him : wara2a kouli rajouline 3athimin imra2atoun mahirata el tabkhi , hahahahahah !! am i right or what waghi ???...

well alors ke mr. basyb if la femme et n'est pas la alors houwa mayadkhoulch kamal ila elmatbakh cuz he will think about elbouka2ou 3ala elatlal , he can't even make an egg salad without her , loooooooool.


P.S. miss you all hoppe all doin' well


Recommend Message 22 of 22 in Discussion

From: عربي_________للأبد Sent: 4/23/2005 1:52 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة











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