Sunday, October 26, 2008


Sent: 6/11/2006 3:17 AM




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Recommend Message 2 of 20 in Discussion

From: Muchkill_algeria Sent: 6/11/2006 4:15 AM
Salam alikoum,

Thank you Mona, I appreciate the links and I hope you'll pleased about the attached file.
Ya houari, smahalna, je suis occope pas la retransmission des matchs, je passe mon temps a crackes les TPS tous les 1/4 d'heures (AES code), et la TRS2 rahi free pour le moment.

FIFA World Cup -2006 Match Schedule.xls

0 recommendations Message 3 of 20 in Discussion

Sent: 6/16/2006 6:57 AM
This message has been deleted by the author.

Recommend Message 4 of 20 in Discussion

From: Annaba235 Sent: 6/16/2006 7:01 AM
In their 15 opening games at the FIFA World Cup™, Germany have only lost once, a stunning 2-1 defeat by Algeria in Spain 1982.

Algeria 24 years ago:
16 June 1982, Algeria 2-1 West Germany, Gijon (Spain).
One of shocks at Spain 1982 was West Germany's defeat against Algeria, who thoroughly enjoyed their first ever FIFA World Cup participation. Rabah Madjer opened the scoring, but when Karl-Heinz Rummenigge equalised on the hour mark, everyone expected West Germany to go on to win. Algeria were having none of it, however, and after a textbook build-up from one end of the pitch to the other, Lakhdar Belloumi notched the winner. In spite of the defeat, West Germany recovered from the set-back to finish as tournament runners-up.

Recommend Delete Message 5 of 20 in Discussion

From: Mokhtar_alger Sent: 6/18/2006 8:47 AM
Vous pouvez voir les jeux du Mondial 2006 en direct sur cette chaine:

Recommend Message 6 of 20 in Discussion

From: jaghma_hlib Sent: 6/21/2006 3:08 PM
I liked and supported some teams such as Ghana, but lately I have changed my mind because one of their players has raised the israeli flag. I know he has the right to do that but this act offended millions of arabs and Muslims supporters.
Please base your opinion on what you have seen and tell us : Who do you think they are going to win the cup ??
Argentina?? Brasil,,,Germany ??? It 's still hard to say...but I think Brasil will win...wa allah a3lam.

Recommend Message 7 of 20 in Discussion

From: accurist2 Sent: 6/22/2006 9:40 AM
salam 3alaikoum brother jaghma hlib,

hope that your are doing well, i wanted to share with you and the group this thought. As you have mentioned it on your post that u know, the ghanian player, has all the right to do what ever makes him happy or brings him more money. your objection and the feeling of offence that you and millions of muslims felt at that moment should not be directed towards the ghanian player but towards us. Perhaps if we stope watching and supporting a little bit and start working a bit more, i say Perhaps, we wont feel offended. millions of muslims did not see that ghanian player waving the sionist flague because they are either running scared for their lives, fighting an opressor blown up by a bomb or even' don t have a T.V set. these primadonas,that you are watching earn thousands of pounds per week, for what? for kicking a round ball. we have more kids who want to be football players or singers today than those who want to be teachers or nurses or even pilots" can t blame them for not wanting to be pilots you have seen what happen to Mr. raiss" i won't say i v never played football in my life. i played football and i was good at it, houaris knows well.I m not against playing football, on the contrary, it is fun when you are with freinds or kids. i did what's wors than playing, i organized competitions in the past, was a football referee for few years, and i have seen things your eyes won t beleive. People fighting, breaking bones of one an other swearing in an encyclopedic dimention,one even went further than that by finishing his joumou3a prayer before the imam because the team he support started playing while he is still waiting for the imam to end the salat. Its not a personal attack against any one who support or watch football and i do appologise if i offended any one with my opinion its just that years ago when i was very young i run 6 kilometers non stop, with a great joy in my heart because we beat germany in the world cup.umbeleivable!!!! we did it, every one knows who we are folks is not that amazing!!! i can meet a german today and sing to him "na na na naaa naaaaaaaaa na, we beat in 82" we have acheived a great goal in the international stage on what!!!" on playing we love playing we play with everything and anything" years after i found out that while me and the millions of us where enjoying those euphoric moments on the international stage. fewe months before that world joke , oh sorry world cup, ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED civilian muslims were killed in SABRA and CHATILA.today iraq, afghanistan,soudan.... It hurts me a lot when i see the same senario, same mistakes, same route, a sort of Deja vue situation. it hurts me to know that there is nothing i can do to change all this. therfore I said goodby to the watching and supporting of 22 adults runing like headless chicken arround a ball.football is good when you play it its a waist of time when you watch others playing it. lets do somthing usefull lets stop watching this world cup. we wont be missing anything important aprt from a big exhibition for footsalves oh sorry footballers.

wa lil el hadithi choujoun

keep the good work rolling.


NB "les grands de se monde ne son grands que par ce que on est agenoux, levons nous"Ahmed Rami

PS. brothers and sisters keep your kalachnikovs and RPGs away they are of no use and thats not what i meant by this post. i m not an extremist just on the extreme of the list thats all


From: "HOUARI,new york"
Reply-To: "HOUARI,new york"
To: "HOUARI,new york"
Subject: Re: GERMANY 2006 - WORLD CUP
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:08:54 -0700
>New Message on HOUARI,new york
>From: jaghma_hlib
>Message 6 in Discussion
>salam, I liked and supported some teams such as Ghana, but lately I have changed my mind because one of their players has raised the israeli flag. I know he has the right to do that but this act offended millions of arabs and Muslims supporters. Please base your opinion on what you have seen and tell us : Who do you think they are going to win the cup ?? Argentina?? Brasil,,,Germany ??? It 's still hard to say...but I think Brasil will win...wa allah a3lam.
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Recommend Message 9 of 20 in Discussion

From: babas Sent: 6/22/2006 9:44 AM

oui merci g bien vu et reçu votre remarque, et moi aussi j'etait deçu alors que je les avais soutenu et suppoter ça m'apprendra a l'avenir.je voudrai que leur gouvernement prenne la decision c'est lui qui l'a selectionner et payer le voyage ainsi que le sejour et c pour sela qu'il devrai soulever le drapeau du ghana il joue pour le pays et la nation.merci de l'avoire rappeler, car le monde entier l'a vu meme moi qui est a lyon en france. bonne soirée a tous et toutes.houari.

From: "HOUARI,new york"
Reply-To: "HOUARI,new york"
To: "HOUARI,new york"
Subject: Re: GERMANY 2006 - WORLD CUP
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:08:54 -0700
> New Message on HOUARI,new york


Recommend Message 6 in Discussion

From: jaghma_hlib

I liked and supported some teams such as Ghana, but lately I have changed my mind because one of their players has raised the israeli flag. I know he has the right to do that but this act offended millions of arabs and Muslims supporters.
Please base your opinion on what you have seen and tell us : Who do you think they are going to win the cup ??
Argentina?? Brasil,,,Germany ??? It 's still hard to say...but I think Brasil will win...wa allah a3lam.

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Recommend Message 10 of 20 in Discussion

From: algeria_8 Sent: 6/27/2006 4:24 AM

(( علاقة رونالدو بالموضوع ))

رونالدو ... الاسطورة البرازيلية ..

وهداف كاس عالم 2002 ..

وافضل لاعب في العالم ثلاث مرات ..

أنخفض مستواه في العامين الاخيرين ..

وكل ذلك بسبب الضغوط التي يلاقيها من الاعلام ..

حيث تسابقت الصحف والقنوات والصحفيين الى مهاجمته ..

وتصيــّـد عثراته ... ومتابعة غلطاته . .

وذلك في محاولة منها لتحطيم اسطوريته ..

وكان لهم ذلك ..

فاللوبي اليهودي قوي جداً .. ومؤثر . .

وقد تحكموا في الاعلام العالمي بقوة نفوذهم .. وكثرة نقودهم ..

ولكن ..

لماذا هذه الحملة المركزة لاسقاط رونالدو ...؟؟

فزيدان مستواه هابط .. وراؤول .. وغيرهم ..

لماذا كان التركيز اكثر على رونالدو ..؟؟

الاجابة بسيطة ..

ولا تحتاج فلسفة ..

شاهدوا هذه الصورة

رونالدو ... زار فلسطين ..

والتقى باطفالهم ..

وحمل العلم الفلسطيني ..

ودعم قضيتهم ( على الاقل ) معنوياً ..

فكان عقابه عنيفاً وشديداً من اللوبي اليهودي ..

وسط مشهد ومرأى من الفيفا ..

الذي صفق لسقوط اسطورة من اساطيره ..

وكان يجب له ان يصفق ..

فاللوبي اليهودي يتحكم بالفيفا ..

تباً لك ايها الفيفا ..

وأهلك الله كل يهودي فوق اي ارض .. وتحت اي سماء ..

ونصر الله الاسلام والمسلمين في شتى المجالات ..

(( نقاط سريعة ))

* اتمنى من كل قلبي ..

ان يحمل لاعبوا منتخبنا لافتة عن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ..

او على الاقل ان يكتبوا عبارات في ملابسهم الداخلية ..

Recommend Message 11 of 20 in Discussion

From: jaghma_hlib Sent: 6/27/2006 6:10 PM
I agree with you in some points and disagree in others...
Footbal games and some other competitions are meant to bring people together for one aim : peace.
Beacuse Football does not discriminate against race, color, origins and religions.
But unfortunatelyt some people dont seem seeing it that way. They see it as a pusher for animosity , because of its popularity, some use it to convey their political agendas.
Some teams have won many supporters due to the fact their team selects players from different countries, different origins, different colors...Just look at the French team, many Algerians are supporting it because of one player: Zidane (By the way at this moment when I'm typing this, Zidane has just scored the 3rd goal against the Spanish team).
So, my friend Accurist...you may support a team because of one small reason..and you may dislike it for another small reason too.
For many years, since the World Wars,,The world Cup games helped to releave people's tensions and stress of wars..It has proven that nations can compete against each other but peacefully..
wa salam aleikom.


Original message:
salam 3alaikoum brother jaghma hlib,

hope that your are doing well, i wanted to share with you and the group this thought. As you have mentioned it on your post that u know, the ghanian player, has all the right to do what ever makes him happy or brings him more money. your objection and the feeling of offence that you and millions of muslims felt at that moment should not be directed towards the ghanian player but towards us. Perhaps if we stope watching and supporting a little bit and start working a bit more, i say Perhaps, we wont feel offended. millions of muslims did not see that ghanian player waving the sionist flague because they are either running scared for their lives, fighting an opressor blown up by a bomb or even' don t have a T.V set. these primadonas,that you are watching earn thousands of pounds per week, for what? for kicking a round ball. we have more kids who want to be football players or singers today than those who want to be teachers or nurses or even pilots" can t blame them for not wanting to be pilots you have seen what happen to Mr. raiss" i won't say i v never played football in my life. i played football and i was good at it, houaris knows well.I m not against playing football, on the contrary, it is fun when you are with freinds or kids. i did what's wors than playing, i organized competitions in the past, was a football referee for few years, and i have seen things your eyes won t beleive. People fighting, breaking bones of one an other swearing in an encyclopedic dimention,one even went further than that by finishing his joumou3a prayer before the imam because the team he support started playing while he is still waiting for the imam to end the salat. Its not a personal attack against any one who support or watch football and i do appologise if i offended any one with my opinion its just that years ago when i was very young i run 6 kilometers non stop, with a great joy in my heart because we beat germany in the world cup.umbeleivable!!!! we did it, every one knows who we are folks is not that amazing!!! i can meet a german today and sing to him "na na na naaa naaaaaaaaa na, we beat in 82" we have acheived a great goal in the international stage on what!!!" on playing we love playing we play with everything and anything" years after i found out that while me and the millions of us where enjoying those euphoric moments on the international stage. fewe months before that world joke , oh sorry world cup, ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED civilian muslims were killed in SABRA and CHATILA.today iraq, afghanistan,soudan.... It hurts me a lot when i see the same senario, same mistakes, same route, a sort of Deja vue situation. it hurts me to know that there is nothing i can do to change all this. therfore I said goodby to the watching and supporting of 22 adults runing like headless chicken arround a ball.football is good when you play it its a waist of time when you watch others playing it. lets do somthing usefull lets stop watching this world cup. we wont be missing anything important aprt from a big exhibition for footsalves oh sorry footballers.

wa lil el hadithi choujoun

keep the good work rolling.


NB "les grands de se monde ne son grands que par ce que on est agenoux, levons nous"Ahmed Rami

PS. brothers and sisters keep your kalachnikovs and RPGs away they are of no use and thats not what i meant by this post. i m not an extremist just on the extreme of the list thats all

Recommend Message 12 of 20 in Discussion

From: jaghma_hlib Sent: 6/30/2006 6:21 PM
Salam ,
Today's game : Germany against Argentina was NOT cool for one reason: Arbitre. He messed up several times against Argentina and for the favor of Germany. To be honest, Argentina was formidable...
The game : Italy vs Ukraine was awesome. All the three goals were breathtaking especially Zambrotta's goal.
Ukraine was stunning despite their loss, they had several golden opportunities but failed to mark a single goal...
I can't wait to see the French vs Brazil tomorrow inshaAllah, because the Brazil hopes to end Zidane's career...
"We know France is going to be a difficult opponent," Brazil striker Robinho said Wednesday. "But we hope Zidane will have to end his career against us." .................................

Recommend Message 13 of 20 in Discussion

From: Muchkill_algeria Sent: 7/1/2006 10:25 AM

تم تهديد قنوات TSR بنزعها حق بث المبارايات من طرف الشركة الراعية للحقوق بعد إكتشاف سهولة كسر شفراتها و هدا بعض أن وصلت رسائل شكر للقنات السويسرية من المغرب العربي خاصة , و قررت TSR تغيير الشفرات عدة مرات في الأسبوع وقبل المقابلات بساعة على أن يتم إكتشافها بعد 3 ساعات

المصدر بالفرنسية http://www.telesatellite.com/actu/tp.asp/tp/18780

La TSR (Télévision Suisse Romande) a été mise en demeure par la
société Infront , la société chargée par la FIFA de gerer les droits de diffusion de la coupe du monde 2007. La raison, le piratage des chaînes de la SSR (Société Suisse de Radiodiffusion) diffusée par satellite, notamment au Maghreb. L'enjeu est très important pour la TSR, ainsi que la maison mère SSR SSG Idée Suisse. "Depuis le début de la coupe du monde, on a reçu beaucoup d'emails nous remerciant pour la transmission de la coupe du monde et s'excusant en même temps pour l'acte de piratage" confirme Jean-François Sauty. responsable technique et informatique à la TSR. "Ils sont gonflés, les Maghrébins, ils vous pillent et vous remercient en même temps". De ce fait la SSR pourrait perdre la licence des droits de diffusion de la coupe du monde. Pour éviter le pire la SSR changera les codes plusieurs fois par semaine, ainsi qu'une heure avant le début des rencontres. "Il faudra entre 3 et 4 heures pour retrouver le bon code". Revers de la médaille: cette mesure pourrait priver les 300000 abonnés officiels de la reception du bouquet par satellite.

Bref, assez de bla-bla et venons au mouhim, voici les codes :

0B: 5C 52 00 01 FA C8 96 7F

الكود القادم

0C = 05 C6 C2 90 46 A7 EF 43

TSR2 -viaccess -provider:009400 -SRG Swiss -11525MHz(H) -27500 - 3/4.

Recommend Message 14 of 20 in Discussion

From: koukmust0221 Sent: 7/1/2006 10:33 AM
salamalikoum salut houari comment cava avec la coupe du monde bon voici ce lien pour download television chinoise et regarde les matches en directe plein la vue http://www.tvunetworks.com/downloads/TVUPlayer.zip

0 recommendations Message 15 of 20 in Discussion

Sent: 7/1/2006 6:44 PM
This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.

Recommend Message 16 of 20 in Discussion

From: houari_ Sent: 7/1/2006 6:49 PM

Saha kouk, merci pour le logiciel , je viens de voir CNN sur ce TVUplayer.
Concernant le Mondial, d'apres le jeu du quart de Final que j'ai vu ... l'Italie et la France ont bien joue,d'ailleurs ce sont des meilleures. balak ils seront les finalistes ,,,,mais le football est plein de surprises...on va voir le mercredi prochain nchallah la France contre Portugal a Munich (semifinal )...
Muchkil saha et merci pour le code...3alabalek right brain Embas. is mad cuz we didnt hear from u since last Ramadan.:)

salam alikom

Recommend Delete Message 17 of 20 in Discussion

From: Mokhtar_alger Sent: 7/3/2006 4:59 AM

La victoire de l’Algérie contre l’Allemagne par 2 buts à 1 lors de la Coupe du monde 1982 en Espagne, et son élimination scandaleuse en raison de l’arrangement entre allemands et autrichiens, sont encore présents dans la mémoire collective algérienne, y compris chez Mustapha Dahleb, la star des verts de l’époque.

Malgré une carrière étincelante en France, c’est au niveau international qu’il a vraiment frappé l’imaginaire. Dahleb était le capitaine de l’équipe nationale algérienne qui a vaincu l’Allemagne de l’Ouest 2-1 lors de la Coupe du monde de 1982.

L’histoire qui s’en est suivi fait toujours scandale de nos jours. Alors que l’Algérie frappait aux portes des huitièmes de finale, l’Allemagne de l’Ouest et l’Autriche auraient truqué leur match pour éliminer la nation africaine.

Une victoire 1-0 de l’Allemagne de l’Ouest a permis aux deux équipes de se qualifier. Le but a été inscrit rapidement, puis les deux équipes, qui avaient selon toute évidence conclu un arrangement, ont écoulé le temps avec des suites de passes sans intérêt.

Le parcours de l’Algérie au Mondial 1982 a ainsi pris fin dans la controverse. Mais la victoire sur l’Allemagne de l’Ouest, elle, restera gravée à jamais dans l’histoire du soccer.

Synthèse de Samir, D’après Radio Canada, vendredi 30 juin 2006.

rom: jaghma_hlib Sent: 7/4/2006 5:45 PM
Slam all,
Italia has just scored 2 goals against Germany. Yes, two stunning goals at the last minutes of the extra time of the game, Bye Bye Germany, tomorrow inshaAllah France against Portugal, and we'll see who's gonna face Italia for the Cup later. Surprises, surprises...

Recommend Message 19 of 20 in Discussion

From: jaghma_hlib Sent: 7/13/2006 7:42 AM
Zidane has declared the secret behind the incident against the Italian player.
Zidane mentioned that the Italian player has repeatedly insulted his mother and sister , while zidane's mother is in hospital.
And he added that he is not sorry for what he did, but he said he's sorry only for kids and people who were watching the game, and he's not encouraging violence (among kids).
We heard rumors that say, the situation is under invistigation, and the FIFA will take the cup away from Italians if they find them Guilty of racism and un-acceptable behavior.

هذا وقد أشاد عضو بارز في البرلمان الإيراني بتصرّف زيدان، وقال علاء الدين بوروجيردي في رسالة إلى صانع الألعاب الفرنسي: ''إنني أعلن هنا تقديري واحترامي لك بسبب دفاعك عن كرامتك وكرامة الإسلام ضد الإهانة الظالمة''··
وقال رئيس لجنة السياسة الخارجية في البرلمان إن ''رد فعلك يجب أن ينظر إليه باعتباره منطقياً تماماً، حيث إن المسلم ليس إرهابيا، وأكثر من ذلك فكأس العالم ساحة للتضامن بين جميع دول العالم وليست مكاناً لتوزيع هذه الاتهامات الباطلة''·

Recommend Message 20 of 20 in Discussion

From: Annaba235 Sent: 7/13/2006 5:16 PM
I saw red over insults to my mother and sister, claims contrite Zizou

Zinedine Zidane revealed last night that "serious" and "unacceptable" insults against his mother and sister provoked his explosion of fury towards the end of Sunday's World Cup final.

Zidane refused to repeat on French television the precise words which he said were hurled at him, three times in rapid succession, by the Italy defender Marco Materazzi.

The former France captain apologised "to all the children of the world and to their teachers" for being seen by a global TV audience of two billion head-butting Materazzi in the chest.

Zidane said, however, that "as a man", he had no choice but to respond to the sort of words - "very hard words" - which the Italian player used against his mother and his sister.

"I cannot say that I regret what I did, because to say that would be to accept that what he said was right," Zidane said in a special live interview on Canal+ television in France. "I would rather be punched in the face than hear words like that.

"What I did was unpardonable. I accept that. That is why I apologise, especially to the children of the world, hundreds of millions of children, who were watching. I have children of my own. I always tell them not to behave as I did."

The interview was Zidane's first public comment since he was sent off close to the end of extra time in Sunday's final. He appeared in jeans, with a grey jacket draped over his shoulder, looking calm and relaxed.

When Zidane launched himself at the Italy defender, he was not only 10 minutes from the end of the game but 10 minutes from the end of a glittering career. He had announced that he would retire at the end of the tournament.

"What I want to say is that it should not always be the player who reacts who is punished," he said last night. "For there to be a reaction, there has to be a provocation. I was 10 minutes from the end of my career. Do you think I wanted to do that? No."

The world's press has been speculating for three days on the nature of the insult which so deeply enraged an apparently mild-mannered man.

Some of the speculation - despite claims that lip-readers and Italian translators were used - has flown wide of the goal. Zidane denied last night that Materazzi had called him, or his family, "terrorists". He made no suggestion, as many reports have done, that Materazzi used racist language.

Other shots at solving the mystery may have been more accurate. Several media organisations say that their lip-readers interpreted Materazzi saying, words to the effect, that Zidane was the "mother of a whore" or "everyone knows that your mother is a whore," while other lip-readers attributed equally tasteless remarks about Zidane's sister to the Italian. Materazzi has admitted insulting Zidane but flatly denied that he had attacked his mother. "The mother is sacred," the Italian said on Monday.

It has since emerged that Zidane's mother is very ill - which may further help to explain the violence of his reaction.

Zidane told French TV viewers that the incident began when Materazzi tugged his shirt. There had been no previous exchanges between him and the defender and no grudges from other matches.

Zidane said that he told Materazzi that he would give him his shirt after the match if he wanted it so badly. That confirmed the Italian's version of events.

As he walked away, Zidane said, Materazzi used "words against my mother and my sister, very hard words, very serious words". At first he ignored him. When he repeated the words for the third time, Zidane said, he reacted "as a man would".

As the son of North African immigrants who became the best and most elegant footballer in the world, Zidane has become an important political symbol in France. Although he has never uttered an overtly political statement, he has become an emblem of peaceful reconciliation between races and a "France qui gagne" (France that wins).

In truth, Zidane, though a calm and sweet-tempered man off the field, has often retaliated savagely against verbal or physical abuse on the pitch. Sunday's sending-off was the 15th red card of his 17-year professional career.

After an initial reaction of shock and disbelief, the French public and politicians have rallied around their hero. An opinion poll yesterday suggested that 61 per cent of the French people forgive him for what he did.

In the earlier part of a 20-minute interview, which tantalisingly left Sunday's red card to the end, Zidane adamantly rejected suggestions that he was at loggerheads with the France manager, Raymond Domenech. He was shown footage of himself walking frostily past Domenech after being substituted close to the end of France's 1-1 draw with South Korea. Zidane said his blank expression was generated by "disappointment" at the result of the game. He had always "respected and listened to" Domenech.

While Zidane was speaking, Materazzi issued his own statement in which he denied racially abusing the French player.

"I didn't mention anything about religion, politics or racism," Materazzi said. "I didn't insult his mother. I lost my mother when I was 15 years old and still get emotional when I talk about it.

"Naturally, I didn't know that his mother was in hospital but I wish her all the best," the Internazionale defender added.

"Zidane is my hero and I have always admired him a lot."

By John Lichfield and Jastinder Khera in Paris
Published: 13 July 2006

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